About me

Hello! I am Noé Fellmann. 3rd year PhD student in applied mathematics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon and IFP Energies nouvelles. My work is to use sensitivity analysis methods to simplify robust optimization problems. I'm supervised by Céline Helbert, Christophette Blanchet from ECL and Adrien Spagnol, Delphine Sinoquet from IFPEN. My thesis is part of the consortium CIROQUO.

Basic Information
French, English
Publications and talks
Journal articles
  • Kernel-based Sensitivity Analysis for (Excursion) Sets, Technometrics, HAL, arXiv,
  • Preprint: Sensitivity analysis for sets : application to pollutant concentration maps, HAL, arXiv,
  • MASCOT-NUM2024, Giens (Hyères), Talk :Kernel-based Sensitivity Analysis of set-valued models. Application to pollutant concentration maps SA.
  • SIAMUQ24, Trieste (Italie), Talk in the mini-symposium Global Sensitivity Analysis and Feature Importance.
  • MASCOT-NUM2023, Le Croisic, Poster.
  • UNCECOMP 2023, Athens (Greece), Talk in the mini-symposium Surrogate modelling and data-driven approaches for uncertainty quantification.
Seminars, workshops, research school...
Work Experience

December 2021 - November 2024

IFP Energies Nouvelles
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
PhD Student

PhD student in applied mathematics in statistics and probability fields, under the supervision of Céline Helbert (ECL), Christophette Blanchet (ECL), Adrien Spagnol (IFPEN) and Delphine Sinoquet (IFPEN). The aim of the thesis is to study and to develop sensitivity analysis methods adapted to optimization under constraints of an expensive black-box model in presence of uncertainties.

December 2021 - November 2024

Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Tutorials in Applied Analysis (L3)
  • Tutorials in Statistics (L3)
  • Tutorials in Statistical engineering (M2)

Mai 2021 - September 2021

Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Research internship on Sensitivity analysis for optimization with Céline Helbert (ECL) and Christophette Blanchet (ECL).

Mai 2020- July 2020

University of Manchester

Research intership with Matthias Heil (University of Manchester). Optimization of a finite elements code.


2018 - 2021

Diplôme d'ingénieur (Engineer's Degree)
Diplôme d'ingénieur

Ecole Centrale de Lyon

3 years formation on multiple engineering fields. Specialization in applied mathematics.

2020 - 2021

Master's Degree
Applied mathematics Master: Master Maths en Action

University Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Research master in applied mathematics: Statistics, probability, maths for biology and medicin, Machine learning.

2016 - 2018

Classes préparatoires aux grandes ecoles
Science and Mathematics

Lycée Saint-Louis, MPSI-MP*

2 years formation mostly in Mathematics and Physics.